thursday, august 8th
Check In 12:30pm | Show to follow
- Duane Neese
Premiums In All Classes
1st Place: $5
2nd Place: $3
3rd Place: $2
- Due to Weld County's Avian Flu Quarantine, this year's Poultry Show will be virtual
General Information
Southeast Weld County Fair Staff and our Superintendents have been actively watching and reviewing everything that has been happening with HPAI. We had hoped in the end we could still have the Poultry Show as normal, however we feel that for the safety of our exhibitor’s poultry and the seriousness of it we are not going to have the 2024 Poultry Show at Southeast Weld County Fair. We hope you take advantage of the opportunities we have set up for you, and bear with us as this process and virtual show is new for everyone, but we want to make it the best possible for our exhibitors!
Virtual Show Guidlines
Registering for Fair
- Registering for fair as normal with the exception that there will only be 6 entries total per exhibitor instead of the normal 15 entries. This will include market birds, Turkeys, egg production, ducks, game birds and show birds.
- Please use the Southeast Weld County Fair ShoWorks portal to register your birds for the fair.
Taking Photos for Virtual Show
- Photos of Birds need to be taken in front of a solid back drop. Examples: a white sheet or a piece of cardboard.
- You will need to submit the Virtual Poultry Show Photo Submission for each of your 6 entries. (For example, if you are submitting 6 entries, you will fill out the Virtual Poultry Show Photo Submission a total of 6 times.) The Virtual Poultry Show Photo Submission will only allow you to submit 3 photos. The maximum size of each photo that is allowed is 6 MB. You will be allowed to upload the following file extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff, and .gif.
Show Birds/Egg Production/Ducks/Game Birds/Breeding Turkey
- You can submit your pictures in the Virtual Poultry Show Photo Submission. Submit 3 pictures of each entry. Pictures will consist of both sides and a front view of each entry/bird. Egg production will be all 3 birds together.
Market Birds – Turkeys
- You can submit your pictures in the Virtual Poultry Show Photo Submission. Submit 3 pictures of each entry. Pictures will consist of both sides and a front view of each entry/Turkey. In the front view please place a hand to show the dimension of the breast.
Market Birds – Chickens – Trio
- You can submit your pictures in the Virtual Poultry Show Photo Submission. Submit 1 picture of each market chicken. Pictures need to consist of a front view of each bird. Each photo will need to include the whole bird with a hand on/in front of the breast to show dimensions. (one photo per bird in the trio for a total of 3 per entry).
- Showmanship will be the same as previous years with the exception that their will be an in person interview with the judge. Pictures will be in place to name the parts of the bird. The exhibitor will still have to know the information on the bird that they would have brought.
All Photos must be submitted to the Fair Office by July 31st by 11:59 p.m. Any that are submitted after the deadline will not be judged.