agriculture - crops
Field Crops
- Corn, 5 Stalks, Picking Type
- Field Beans, 3 Vines of Any Variety
agriculture - crops
Combine Samples
Samples taken directly from a combine. Seed may be weighed during judging with the test weight of the seed determining final placing.
- Barley, 1/2 Bushel (24lbs), Any Name Variety
- Spring Wheat, 1/2 Bushel (30lbs), Any Name Variety
- Winter Wheat, 1/2 Bushel (30lbs), Any Name Variety
- Oats, 1/2 Bushel (16lbs), Any Name Variety
- Sunflowers – Confection, 3 Stalks, Any Variety
- Sunflowers – Oil, 3 Stalks, Any Variety
agriculture - crops
- 6 Beets, Under 2 1/2lbs
- 6 Beets, 2 1/2lbs & Over
- 1 Beet, Best Type
- 1 Beet, Largest by Weigh
agriculture - crops
- Junior vegetables will be judged on Thursday with crops. Please bring completed exhibits to the Fair Building for judging.
- Garden project displays will be judged on Thursday at the same time and place as the Home Economics and General Projects. Display may not exceed 2ft x 2ft. Please refer to the Junior Vegetables section in the Weld County Fair Book for more information.